May 6, 2009
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present: Michael Scott, Ken Strom, Robert Lowell, Anthony Costello and Dan Hazen.
Members Absent: Matt Kennedy
Staff Present: Pamela Harding, Teresa McIntyre
Others: T. Heinold, J. Cashin, T. Beckner, S. Morrison, T. Kalmowski, J. Kalmowski, R. Duquette, S. Duquette, G. Kirby, G. Kiritsy, and X. Yingjian.
The meeting began at 7:00 PM.
NOTICE OF INTENT - Winterberry Hollow - The Commission received notification from DEP that the January 2008 Stormwater Regulations are applicable to the project. The applicant requested that the hearing be continued until the next meeting, the Commission unanimously voted for a continuance to the June 3, 2009 meeting.
NOTICE OF INTENT - 476 & 482 Wachusett St - S. Morrison, of Eco-Tec, presented the proposal to construct a single-family home at 476 Wachusett St and to install a new septic system on bordering lot, 482 Wachusett St. Work proposed is within 100' of a bordering vegetated wetland. D. Hazen, who walked the site for the Conservation Committee, raised a concern regarding a pile of debris that had been disposed of in the wetland. Otherwise, he had no issues with the applicant's plan.
The floor was then opened to the public. R. Duquette, an abutter, expressed concern regarding drainage issues and tree cutting, there is minimal grading changes, the septic is being raised by a foot, there is minimal tree cutting proposed, most land is existing lawn. T. Heinold, also an abutter, questioned the Commission regarding septic and zoning issues, the Commission informed Mr. Heinold these issues were not within their jurisdiction but would be reviewed by other Boards.
With no further question or comments, M. Scott made a motion to close the hearing. K. Strom seconded the motion. All were in favor. D. Hazen made a motion to issue a standard Order of Conditions for both sites with the requirements that the debris is removed from the wetland area at 476 Wachusett St., and that no trees shall be removed beyond the hay bale line for both 476 and 482 Wachusett St, providing some relief around the perimeter of the new foundation work. M. Scott seconded the motion. All were in favor.
TROUT BROOK - Trail Improvements - M. Kent, along with C. Abrams, presented his proposal for his Eagle Project. The proposed project included trail restoration to the Short Trail and also remarking the Yellow loop with a change of color from pale yellow to magenta to end some confusion with similar colors used by White Oak Trail System. The Commission asked how the markers would be fastened to the trees; C. Abrams stated that nails would not be used. The Conservation Commission unanimously supported his project.
K. Strom reported on the progress of the Pack 46 and Troop 182 project of clearing of the upper field habitat at Trout Brook.
DOG PARK - J. Cashin presented her proposal for a dog park to be located at Trout Brook or other open area in Holden. A discussion ensued regarding size, waste pickup, funding, and other possible locations. The Conservation Commission stated that they would be able to respond to the project once a specific plan was developed but did not think the open area next to the pavilion was a good fit, the area is utilized for sports and camping and is too close to the picnic area.
ALDEN WOODS II - D. Hazen recused himself and left the meeting. G. Kiritsy, representing the applicant, asked the Commission for their approval to remove two swales in the Alden Woods II subdivision. After much discussion, including comments from abutters, it was determined that the swale areas are dry. The Commission agreed to allow the applicant to remove the swale located in the front of Lot 218, the swale to the rear of the property must remain. The applicant will need to submit a modified plan and also identify and provide an easement for the swale located at Lot 218. The connecting swale located across the street will remain until all construction is complete, the applicant should place filter fabric drainage stone and cover over the swale once construction is complete. These amendments are considered field changes made during
construction and an amendment to the original Order of Conditions is not necessary.
ENFORCEMENT ORDER - 96 Malden Street - Homeowner appeared before the Commission after a fine was suggested due to a lack of compliance. A previous Order was issued for the construction of a single family home, the applicant violated the order by clearing up to the banking of an intermittent stream and removing the barrier from the required 25' no disturb line. The Conservation Commission reiterated the issues regarding the violations and detailed the steps that the homeowner must follow to correct the violations. Homeowner will forward restoration plan to P. Harding for the July 7th meeting.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - K. Strom made a motion to accept the Minutes of April 8, 2009. M. Scott seconded the motion. All in favor.
D. Hazen made a motion to adjourn. K. Strom seconded the motion. All were in favor.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.
The next meeting is scheduled for June 3, 2009.
May 6, 2009 Minutes approved June 3, 2009
Teresa T. McIntyre